CoV-2 MUT 3 MutaPLEX real time RT-PCR
The MutaPLEX® CoV-2 MUT 3 Real-Time RT-PCR Kit is an assay for the detection of point mutations in ..
Manufacturer: ImmunDiagnostik AG
Product Code: KG193396
Kit format: 96 tests
CoV-2 MUT MutaPLEX real time RT-PCR
The MutaPLEX® CoV-2 MUT Real-Time RT-PCR Kit is an assay for the simultaneous differentiation of the..
Manufacturer: ImmunDiagnostik AG
Product Code: KG193196
Kit format: 96 tests
CRP (1 point calibration) ELISA
The CRP ELISA kit is a enzyme immunoassay intended for the quantitative determination of C-reactive ..
Manufacturer: ImmunDiagnostik AG
Product Code: K 9720S
Kit format: 96 tests
The CRP ELISA kit is a enzyme immunoassay intended for the quantitative determination of C-reactive ..
Manufacturer: ImmunDiagnostik AG
Product Code: K 9710S
Kit format: 96 tests
Detection system (HRP, AP, Double Staining)
Our catalog has a wide range of detection system (HRP, AP, Double Staining) based on micro polymer t..
Manufacturer: Vitro S.A.
Product Code: MAD-001x
Kit format:
Diamine oxidase (DAO) (1 point calibration) ELISA
The DAO ELISA kit is an enzyme immunoassay intended for the quantitative determination of diamine ox..
Manufacturer: ImmunDiagnostik AG
Product Code: K 8510
Kit format: 96 tests
Diamine oxidase (DAO) ELISA
The DAO ELISA kit is an enzyme immunoassay intended for the quantitative determination of diamine ox..
Manufacturer: ImmunDiagnostik AG
Product Code: K 8500
Kit format: 96 tests
Diatro Cleaner
Diatro•Cleaner cleaning reagent is a stabilized and microfiltered detergent solution for regular aut..
Manufacturer: Diatron
Product Code: D5011
Kit format: 1 L
Diatro Hypoclean CC
Diatro•Hypoclean CC hypochlorite cleaning concentrate is a stabilized and micro-filtered concentrate..
Manufacturer: Diatron
Product Code: D8011
Kit format: 100 mL
Diatro•Diff-5P WBC diferenciacijos reagentai yra stabilizuoti ir mikrofiltruoti reagenti, skirti kie..
Manufacturer: Diatron
Product Code: D3021
Kit format: 1 L
Diatro•Lyse-5P liz. reagentas yra stabilizuotas ir mikrofiltruotas lizingo agentas eritrocitų (RBC) ..
Manufacturer: Diatron
Product Code: D3015HK
Kit format: 5 L
Diatro•Dil-DIFF diluent is a buffered, stabilized and microfiltered electrolyte solution for automat..
Manufacturer: Diatron
Product Code: D1012
Kit format: 20 L
Diatro•Lyse-DIFF lysing reagent is a stabilized and microfiltered lysing agent for stromatolysis of ..
Manufacturer: Diatron
Product Code: D2011HK
Kit format: 1 L
Eosinophilderived neurotoxin (EDN) (1 point calibration) ELISA
The EDN ELISA kit is designed to quantify eosinophilic neurotoxin (eosinophilderived neurotoxin (EDN..
Manufacturer: ImmunDiagnostik AG
Product Code: K 6821
Kit format: 96 tests
Eosinophilderived neurotoxin (EDN) ELISA
The EDN ELISA kit is designed to quantify eosinophilic neurotoxin (eosinophilderived neurotoxin (EDN..
Manufacturer: ImmunDiagnostik AG
Product Code: K 6811
Kit format: 96 tests