Additional reagents

Product Code
Kit format
Diacon 3 Hematology Control

Diacon 3 Hematology Control

Diacon 3 Hematology Control is a control designed to monitor values on automated and semi-automated ..

Manufacturer: Diatron

Product Code: DN35004

Kit format: KIT (L-N-H 2 x 3 x 3mL)

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Diacon 5 Hematology Control

Diacon 5 Hematology Control

Diacon 5 hematologijos kontrolė yra ištisa kraujo kontrolė, skirta stebėti daugelio parametrų hemato..

Manufacturer: Diatron

Product Code: DN55004

Kit format: KIT (L-N-H 2 x 3 x 3mL)

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Diatrocal Hematology Calibrator

Diatrocal Hematology Calibrator

Diatrocal Hematology Calibrator is designed for use in the calibration of hematology analyzers...

Manufacturer: Diatron

Product Code: DL30001

Kit format: SET (2 x 3mL)

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ViRNAExTM extraction solution

ViRNAExTM extraction solution

The ViRNAExTM - Viral Extraction solution is designed for rapid (15 min) isolation of viral RNA and ..

Manufacturer: MetaCell s.r.o.

Product Code: MC-025-2020

Kit format: 10 mL

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ViRNAExTM extraction solution

ViRNAExTM extraction solution

The ViRNAExTM - Viral Extraction solution is designed for rapid (15 min) isolation of viral RNA..

Manufacturer: MetaCell s.r.o.

Product Code: MC-026-2020

Kit format: 50 mL

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Vitro auxiliary reagents (full list)

Vitro auxiliary reagents (full list)

Our catalog has a wide offer of auxiliary reagents in order to cover all the needs of your technique..

Manufacturer: Vitro S.A.

Product Code: MAD-003x

Kit format:

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Vitro FISH (full list)

Vitro FISH (full list)

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is a molecular technique based on the use of fluorochrome-l..

Manufacturer: Vitro S.A.

Product Code: MAD-004x

Kit format:

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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)